Criminal Services

We know that every great defense attorney needs an excellent private investigator on their side. 

Our team can take any criminal case from arrest through trial. We have a proven track record for delivering crucial evidence for our clients. Applied Research focuses on cases large and small. From D.U.I. to Capital Punishment proceedings our team has the capacity to substantiate and bolster your theory of defense.


We are happy to fulfill specific field services or record acquisition requests, and we have extensive experience collaborating with counsel to develop comprehensive investigative strategies for larger cases.

Our access to databases and cutting edge technology will invariably benefit your client. Every case is consequential, and our team will bring you clear, rigorous, and professional results every time.


Ready to learn how A.R.T. can help your case?

You will walk away knowing what tools and strategies you have available to you, as well as the budget needed to find the intelligence you need.

If we cannot fulfill your investigative needs we will gladly help you find a specialist that can.